Our first year in numbers 10 Events
892 Visitors attended
779 Repairs achieved
Estimated Citizen financial saving of £24,798 Over 1200 cups of tea and coffee 850 slices of cake served
We have a team of over 90 volunteers An average 35 Volunteers in attendance at each event More than 70 children attended the kids' table to learn new skills
Community projects in our Lounge During the last year we have welcomed and hosted a number of community projects
We collected pre loved Christmas toys for Bentswood hub Collected old computers for the local charity Computers for kids Collaborated with Fairer World Lindfield Hosted Lindfield Horticulture Society.
Hosted a Local Police Crime prevention event, offering advice and information Welcomed How to basically a skills training organisation Provided a venue for Lindfield hookers local crochet group.
Kids' table projects Disassembled a stereo player Disassembled and repaired toys Learnt how to weave
Taken apart and studied the inside of a computer
Painted their own porcelain egg, to take home
Made a recycled compostable plant pot and planted their own seed
Created stencil paintings on their own recycled bag Learned to sew Were taught how to use an electric drill and the basics of woodworking
We hope these activities have inspired our repairers of the future
Thank you to these organisations for publicising our work We are very grateful to the publications and organisations who have featured and promoted us, including: Lindfield Life Mid Sussex Family Grapevine Mid Sussex Times RH Uncovered Ashdown Forest Living Go to Local - Cuckfield & Lindfield Pages The Argus - Mid Sussex News Girl About Sussex Bylines Horsted Keynes Newsletter Mid Downs Radio Mid Sussex District Council Newsletter Mid Sussex Waste Management Team Horsted Keynes Parish Magazine: Parish & Parishioner Lindfield Parish Council via their website Lindfield Preservation Society website All Saints Lindfield Northlands Wood Primary school
Thank you to everyone for all your efforts, support and sponsorship We'd like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Every volunteer that gave up their personal time to make this project a success. All of our visitors who brought along repairs and those who shared some precious memories. Huge thanks to everyone who helped us with funding, donations, sponsorship or assistance, including: Several Personal donations Everyone who contributed to our gofundme Elite Cruises White Feather remembrance Co. rtfj Richard Talman Lindfield United Reformed Church Lindfield Parish Council Lemonade Print Group Fairer World Lindfield offered Energy saving advice Stand Up Inn Lindfield Lindfield coffee works Sussex Crafts FixPart Now Community Support - sustainable communities micro grant Co-op Lindfield Mid Sussex Conservatives Neighbourhood Watch Blackthorns HSBC Chailey Repair Café Forest Row Repair Café Burgess Hill Repair Café Lindfield WI Cuckfield WI